November is winding down. Here at Ear to the Ground, we like reload the MP3 almost every Monday night with the freshest new and new to us cuts. We gather all these new songs into a playlist by month and then every Tuesday, we shuffle through that playlist and present the result. Here then is a shuffle of songs added during the month of November 2011.
Born A Nightmare by You and Me
(Listen and Download Born A Nightmare at Sound Cloud0
You and Me get bluesy with Born A Nightmare off their self-titled LP.

(click to purchase and download this track)
Description of a Fool by A Tribe Called Quest
"fool - defined in webster's
open up the book, read it read it
turn the page, see what it says
read it to me will you please"
(Use the aboce widget to get a hold of his new album via Noisetrade)
Love Has Lost Its Flair - Gabriel from the Untethered LP. Gabriel is Gabriel Redding of the Redding Brothers.

(click on album cover to purchase and download this track)
Penobska Oakwalk - Quilt
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Born A Nightmare by You and Me
(Listen and Download Born A Nightmare at Sound Cloud0
You and Me get bluesy with Born A Nightmare off their self-titled LP.
Description of a Fool by A Tribe Called Quest
"fool - defined in webster's
open up the book, read it read it
turn the page, see what it says
read it to me will you please"
(Use the aboce widget to get a hold of his new album via Noisetrade)
Love Has Lost Its Flair - Gabriel from the Untethered LP. Gabriel is Gabriel Redding of the Redding Brothers.
Penobska Oakwalk - Quilt
Affliliated Links:
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