I hope everyone had a great weekend. It's Monday, it's also Tax Day here in the USA. Our goal of late, seems to be to cover as much musical ground as possible in the span of 7-10 songs or so. I hope today's Pre-Shuffle and Shuffle Shuffle do not disappoint.
Let's get to it....
Pre-shuffle: April Verch is a Berklee trained Bluegrass/Traditional music fiddle player and step-dancer. She has a new sampler out of Noisetrade, so there is no excuse not to check her music out. We listened to two selections from the release this morning.
We also heard more music from Taco Land's Pancakes and Pizza album - (see our review). Plus another song from the awesome new record from Sad Baby Wolf. This morning's Gershwin song is performed by the late, great Rosemary Clooney, and we closed out the Pre-shuffle with John Wesley Harding with the opening track from his 2011 album,The Sound of His Own Voice.
Let's head into the shuffle - now....
- "Stoned and Starving" by Parquet Courts from Light Up Gold (2013)
Parquet Courts are a punk band from Brooklyn. They are currently being featured on Amazon Free Music From Rising Artist April.
- "My Old Man" by Joni Mitchell from Blue (1971)
'Cause you gotta play some Blue on when Tax Day falls on a Monday - it's the law.
- "Gates of Brooklyn" by David Lott from Gates of Brooklyn (2011)
One of our Couch by Couchwest "discoveries" we have the title track from the singer-songwriter and native New Yorker who now lives in Colorado.
- "King of Birds" by R.E.M. from Document (1987)
Did you know that Document was recorded in Nashville? "I am king of all I see, my kingdom for a voice
Old man don't lay so still, you're not yet young
There's time to teach, point to point
Point observation, children carry reservations
Standing on the shoulders of giants, leaves me cold, leaves me cold"
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